Monika Saigal, MS, RD, CEDS, CDN

More About Monika & ms nutrition

Areas of Specialty

Monika specializes in providing nutrition counseling and consulting in the below areas. Don’t see your concern listed? Contact us!

More About Monika

(the Official Bio)

Monika Saigal, MS, RD, CEDS-C, CDN (she/her) is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Eating Disorders Specialist, and former professional dancer. In her 17 years in the field, Monika has helped thousands of clients develop more peaceful and nourishing eating habits, improve athletic and artistic performance, and heal their relationship with food and their body.

Monika is passionate about building a dance world that better supports and nurtures dancers’ health and well-being. She has extensive experience providing nutrition counseling to dancers and performing artists in her private practice and working with dance organizations—from small studios to world-renowned schools, conservatories, and companies. Monika currently works with the San Francisco Ballet School and Company and has been the dietitian for the American Ballet Theatre JKO School and Studio Company for the past four years. Prior to this, she spent eight years as a member of the Performance Nutrition team at The Juilliard School.

To better address the health needs of dancers, Monika created and regularly delivers the Head to Pointe® Workshop series, which includes workshops for dancers as well as specialized trainings for dance educators, staff, parents, and health professionals. Monika has been featured as a nutrition expert in various dance publications including Dance Magazine and Dance Spirit. She has presented on the prevention and treatment of eating disorders in dancers at multiple academic conferences including the International Conference on Eating Disorders, the Performing Arts Medicine Association International Symposium, and the past five Annual Conferences of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science.

Training, Credentials, & Affiliations

Philosophy & Approach

I believe in a flexible and gentle, rather than rigid and unrealistic, non-diet approach to nutrition. I don’t believe in restrictive diets, punishing food rules, unnecessary powders and supplements, or other methods that don’t support sustainable change and can negatively affect your physical and mental health. I’m committed to providing compassionate, trauma-informed, weight-inclusive, Health At Every Size® (HAES) aligned care.

I offer a non-judgmental, safe space to discuss your challenges, the factors that influence your food choices, and the history that has shaped your current relationship with food, movement, and your body. My work with clients often incorporates mindfulness, intuitive eating principles, and varying levels of structured eating and/or meal planning, but I don’t believe in telling clients what they should do (no one knows you better than you!). My approach is highly collaborative, so I’ll partner with you to develop a customized plan that honors your unique needs, preferences, and goals. Through our work together, you will gain sound nutrition knowledge, develop behavioral strategies and skills, and learn how to tap into your inner wisdom and gifts to improve how you nourish your mind and body.

I appreciate the courage it can take to reach out for help and understand that change may feel overwhelming or scary. I consider it a privilege to be a part of each client’s journey and to provide guidance, support, and encouragement along your path to better health and well-being.

Fun Facts About Me


New Orleans

Must Haves

Chocolate and coffee!

Happy Place

The beach!

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